Basic Sustainability Policy
Through the development of renewable energy-derived power sources, we will work to solve environmental and energy problems and protect the environment for future generations, as well as to solve regional issues, create local communities, and revitalize local communities by rebuilding and enriching the connections between people, heart and soul.
Community Contribution Activities
Solving local problems
We listen to the problems of the local community, repair community centers, maintain government-owned roads, remove branches and leaves from standing trees, install municipal street lights, and demarcate boundaries by being present. We will continue to contribute to the community and aim to be a presence and relationship that the local community can rely on.

Study Abroad Support Campaign
As one of our contributions to the local community, we are conducting a campaign to support students to study abroad, as the various knowledge and networks that our representative gained abroad as a student have been strongly utilized in his current activities.

Sponsorship of various activities

Donation to the 「National Tree Growing Festival」
The National Tree Growing Festival is an ongoing tree-planting activity by participants to raise awareness of the importance of protecting and nurturing forests. We donate to this festival every year, as it is in line with our company's desire to coexist with energy and nature.

Sponsorship of Hokkaido Tokachi Sky Earth
Hokkaido Tokachi Sky Earth is a soccer team whose hometown is in the Tokachi region centering on Obihiro City, Hokkaido. The team is actively involved in activities to contribute to the local community through soccer, and our sponsorship of the team is in line with our company's desire to promote regional contribution and regional development.

Sponsorship of Riviera Group
We support the Riviera Group's "Riviera Future Creation Project," which aims to "create a prosperous future living together with nature," and our employees participate in beach cleanups and other activities.