Our Story
“Solar energy is a sure win for profits.”
In the beginning, it was these sweet words that lured us into this field.
But when the systems and rules are built around someone winning,
billions of yen can change hands at the drop of a dime.
It’s all a big money game, played by liars and fools.
People investing and then pulling out early.
Contractors fleeing and leaving behind mountains of dirt.
It was seeing this poor state of affairs in the industry
that sparked our determination to make change.
That was the beginning of our solar business journey.
We crossed Japanese borders and ventured out into the world
on a quest to discover cutting-edge, accurate information.
We sought help from professionals and qualified experts.
The result was a reliable, high-quality system, fully developed by us,
and wide-ranging partnerships with those who share our vision.
And with this strong foundation, we will change the industry.
Instead of a business model based on earning or losing money,
we focus on business that benefits communities—it’s a win-win.
We can’t make this dream a reality on our own—we need trust
and cooperation from businesses, landowners, and communities.
Many landowners have had bad experiences in the past.
We’ve had the door slammed in our face again and again.
That’s why we’ve devoted time and effort
to getting to know all the problems landowners face
and helping them solve those problems.
Whether it’s inheritance, land usage, or community concerns,
we address each issue head-on, no matter how small.
Over time, the same people who saw us as enemies
have gradually transformed into our allies.
We keep power taps on, while tapping the power of human connection.
That’s the heart of what we do.
As its population continues to dwindle, Japan is in decline.
This is driven by depopulation in many regions.
We’re trying to solve a shortage of power,
stimulate economic circulation to profit communities,
and build profound human connections.
Renewable energy produced locally for local consumption
can be part of the solution to the problems faced by communities.
Businesses, landowners, and Winfield Japan can work together
to make communities—and Japan—shine ever brighter.
We want to connect with all of those people
who share our vision for the future.